Some sleeves just have a bit more to it than just a plain straight forward sleeve.
Give it a try really interesting and very nicely designed sleeve.
Step 1:
Cut out sleeve, Add seam and hem allowances
Step 2:
Cut facings and interfacing for cuff section.
Iron-on interfacing
Mark all notches.
Step 3:
Mark seam allowances.
Mark dart and opening section.
Back of sleeve, with cuff plus iron-on interfacing -
placed right sides together on sleeve
Step 4:
Sew from side on hemline,
up on placket, horizontal at bottom of dart
down on placket. to other side of hemline to side seam.
Step 5:
Cut open placket section and into corners.
Press seams open.
Grade seams smaller and corners off at hemlime.

Step 6:
Turn facing and poke corners out.
Press seams flat.
Step 7:
Pin and sew dart
Press dart flat. I like pressing to both sides
where there is lot of fabric and facing